Following the earthquake of April 2009 in L’Aquila, Emiciclo Building, developed in the 1888 and the Building Ex GIL (Gioventù Italiana del Littorio) constructed between the 1929 and 1932, had several structural damages.
Emiciclo Building is the headquarter of Regione Abruzzo.
Ex Gil Building is the headquarter of Gran Sasso Science Institute.
Instead of the traditional interventation on a damaged building, the proect foresees the seismic isolation at the base. Due to the hstorical value of the buldings, in order to preserve the structure, was constructed an under foundation in order to disconnett the structure with the ground, placing elastomeric isolators.
SOMMA supplied and installed 61 elastomeric devices tpe SOMMA ISI H 500/156 e 54 pot bearings type SOMMA EDM 2500/600/600.